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Baker County Georgia

Baker County Georgia USGenWeb Coordinator: Debra Crosby The Registry

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Old Queries of Baker County

These are queries posted in the past when these pages were first setup
I can not be responsible for outdated email address.

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for more current queries.


  Dorette Walters ..July 19,1999
Looking for info on Allen Lewis son of James Lewis and also James . Allen married to Margaret Nessmith.


  Nora B. Acton ..July 16,1999
I am interested in communicating with anyone who would be related to MURDOCK MCLEOD b. 1785 NC.  He was in Baker Co. on the 1850 GA census but I have not been able to find him again on other census.  He moved to GA in the early 1820s-30s.  He married Sarah ...?... b. 1810 GA.  Children:  Mitilda b. 1830 GA, Sarah Ann b. 1833 GA, George b. 1834 GA, Andrew Jackson b. 1835 GA, Baneta b. 1842 GA, and William b. 1850 GA.  Andrew Jackson is my line.  I am interested in where Murdock McLeod was after 1850.  When did he die and  where?  What was Sarah's maiden surname?


  Annie Hill ..July 16,1999
Looking for information on a Fannie Broadway who lived in Baker County in the 1900 and a Franklin W. Broadway.  Grady Broadway, Sr. who lived in Baker County until 1940 is my Grandfather and I am looking for information on Franklin who is belived to be his father. Grady mother was Hattie Cohen who also lived in Baker County. Franklin married Dela Faircoth in 1883 (does anyone have information on whether or not there were kids from this marriage. send information to ( )


  VictoriaPeters ..June 29,1999
My name is Victoria Peters, I am trying to find informationon Joseph GOODMAN born 1843 in Mitchell county, he married for the secondtime to Ella DYES in 1894. I was told he was married to Ella Dyes sisterfirst . Children by First wife are Willy, Joe,Lula,Edna and children bysecond wife are Dorsey,Johnny (female), Jim, Clara. I am also looking forinformation on James Franklin SMITH born in 1883 to Sam  and ElizabethSAXON Smith in Grimes County Texas. James married Clara GOODMAN in 1911in Colquitt County


  JaneTaylor ..June 29,1999
I'm gggrandaughter of James McCoy Calhoun.  I amtrying to track down information on the female lines of Elefair Metts andLouisa Sylvania Adams, wife of James Wright Calhoun.  Thanks, Jane Taylor


  MarySampson ..June 29,1999
I am looking for information on WOODARD BARTON HOWELLb. 12/3/1812 in Ga. (info from Fl. census records). I have copies of militaryrecords for the Creek Indian Wars stating he volunteered in Baker County,Ga. I am searching for names of his parents, siblings or other relatives.He married AMY DAVIDSON from N.C.(Fl. census records). They had 8 sons:John, Henry, Thomas, Samuel(my grandfather), Eligah, George, Charlie, andElias. They lived in Decatur County, Ga. and Gadsden County, Fl. WOODARDBARTON HOWELL received Bounty Land in Gadsden Co. that was originally apart of Decatur Co.


  WilliamWilsbach ..June 25,1999
I am looking for information on my great grandfatherWilliam Calton Odum and his family. He was a private with the 6th. ga.inf reg.(baker co. fire-eaters) and enlisted on June 10,1861.I have allof his paper work from various resourses. I also have his original civilwar photo(old). He had 10 children, I have all of their names.  Iwould appreciate any help in my search for any cousins in Baker co.


  MarvinKeel ..June 22,1999
Would appreciate any information on the name Bullockin Baker County if any persons of that name would contact me as I am tryingto find out about my Mother the date would be around 1850 E mail me ifpossible at


  DonSellers ..June 21,1999
I am seeking any information that may be available onLITTLETON SELLERS who is shown on the 1850 Baker county census. Any helpwill be appreciated. I am particularly interested in finding out who hisparents and siblings were and where they migrated from. If anyone is connectedto Littleton please advise. I feel that my lineage connects but cannotverify. 


  MarySampson ..June 19,1999
I am looking for information on WOODARD BARTON HOWELLb. 12/3/1812 in Ga. (info from Fl. census records). I have copies of militaryrecords for the Creek Indian Wars stating he volunteered in Baker County,Ga. I am searching for names of his parents, siblings or other relatives.He married AMY DAVIDSON from N.C.(Fl. census records). They had 8 sons:John, Henry, Thomas, Samuel(my grandfather), Eligah, George, Charlie, andElias. They lived in Decatur County, Ga. and Gadsden County, Fl. WOODARDBARTON HOWELL received Bounty Land in Gadsden Co. that was originally apart of Decatur Co.


BarbaraHarrison ..June 19,1999
I'm looking for possible relatives in Newton, GA. The last name is Holt.  The given names that I have access to is Emmett,John, Webster, Bill, Effie, Ellija, William. Can you help me?


BeckyAdams ..June 19,1999
Looking for man who went to Dixie Harrell's house forinformation on the Harrell line recently.He was from Baker cty. I am adescendent of Benjamin F.Harrell and looking for info on his daughter Lucy,whiomay
have married a Tom Miller in Colquitt.They minght havemoved to the jacksonville,Fl.area.Also trying to contact Jerry Harrella cousin in Colquitt.I need to know where to get info on my GGrandfathertime he
served as a representative from miller cty.1892-1906.


RosaSeymour ..May 30,1999
Seeking information on Pennie Bentley, daughter of GreenBentley. Pennie was born abt. 1874.. She married Columbus Baxter on Sept.10, 1890, had three children, Willis, Annie Laura, and Elzie Albert. She then married
J. Samuel Davis in 1900 after Columbus died.  Iwould like information on the children from this marriage, and also informationon Green Bentley who was the son of Franklin Bentley. Thank you, Rosa Seymour


CaryMcCollum ..May 30,1999
Looking for descendants of Samuel H. Etter, and wife,Ella.  Ella buried at McIntosh, Florida, McIntosh City Cemetery. Think Samuel and Ella married in Baker County circa 1900.  Thanks. Cary McCollum


Faye Hatton ..May 30,1999
 Iam trying to find out about my ggggrandfaher whoeither lived in Baker or  Calhoun Co. during the 1870's, his secondwife was Julia Bundy Lee. They  had  2 or 3 children I have referenceto 2, they are Joseph Henry  who married Katie Melton, and a daughternamed Lottie who married a Tennille, who is buried at Edison Ga  Willbe happy to share info with any one researching this family.....Faye Hatton


Diane ..May 30,1999
 Am looking for information on Henry Andrew Tarverhad a plantation in Baker Co. abt. 1850.  He married Elizabeth Solomonand they had 10 children.  Any help would be appreciated. Thank you,Diane


RickPerry ..May 30,1999
 I am looking for information on Siddah (Sidia?)Sutton, who married my Great-Great Grandfather, Redmon Perry, sometimeprior to 1870. She is found in 1850 Baker county census living with herMother, Lydia Sutton. I found both married in Randolph County, GA censusin 1870. Redmon enlisted in the Baker County Volunteers (Fire-Eaters) May27, 1861. I don't know if they were married in Baker county or not. I amalso looking for Redmon's parents names. I would appreciate any informationthat you can share with me. Thanks...

Co H  6th GA

G. Travis Vaughn ..May30,1999
 My several-great grandfather was George W. Johnsonof the 6th Ga, Co. H. I am trying to find out as much as possible aboutthe regiment and this company. For example, what did their flag look like,and do any uniforms survive? My ancestor is buried at Friendship BaptistChurch in Pisgah, Alabama (Jackson Co.)and has a marker with his information.Any help would be greatly appreciated...G. Travis Vaughn


MarieWimberly ..May 30,1999
My great grandmother was MARGARET ACKRIDGE. She was bornin Baker County, GA around 1840.I don't have any other info.Trying to findout anything I can about the family name.Any info will be greatly


JackieHughey Smith ..May 30,1999
I am looking for info on the Johnson, Haire, and Widnerfamilies.  They were in the Miller, Early and Baker Counties in thelate 1800 and all the 1900's. I would love to hear from others researchingthese lines. 


MaryJo Hanna ..May 29,1999
I am looking for info on Noah Goodson.  I have thathe was
born in Baker Co., Georgia, 27 Mar 1847. His father wasJesse Warren
Goodson.  He was married to Sarah Perry and theyhad several children born in Baker Co., Georgia.  Their names are:George, Rufus, Horatia, William, Joseph, Madison, Rachel, Noah, Mary andunknown


Jerrie Howard ..May11,1999
I am researching the parents and siblings of WilliamM. CLARK, b. 10 Jan. 1830 in FL., d. 25 Feb. 1896, Cherokee Co., AL. Hemarried Nancy Adeline GORE, b. 30 Jul. 1840, GA, d. 25 Sept. 1898, CherokeeCo., AL. Nancy 's parents are Clement GORE and Elizabeth E. ? Clement GOREwas born in SC in 1814. William and Nancy were living in Baker Co., GAin 1860 and 1870 census. They had removed to Cherokee Co., AL by 1880.In the 1880 census William says that his father was born in VA and hismother in GA. I would like to know what William's father was doing in FLin 1830?? I have not been able to find them in 1830, 1840, 1850. I wouldgreatly appreciate and information on these families. Please e-mail meat Thanks,Jerrie


Fran Powell ..May11,1999
BUTLER (given name unknown, film illegible); James ROBINSON;A.C. and Samuel SELLERS; James and William WEST; were all enumerated 1840Baker Co., GA pop. census. I would like to correspond with anyone researchingthese families..Thank you..Fran


Rick Perry ..May11,1999
My Great-Great Grandfather, Redmon Perry (b. 10/1843),joined the Baker County Volunteers (Fire-Eaters) in 1861. He is listedin the 1860 GA census as living in Randolph county. He was wounded at Chancellorville,VA on May 3, 1863. Apparently he recuperated and rejoined his unit becausehe surrendered at Tallahassee, FL on May 10, 1865 and was paroled at Albany,GA on May 15, 1865. If anyone has information on R.A.Perry, please contactme. Thanks 


Karen D. Colson ..May11,1999
I am looking for information about the Home Guard unitsduring the War Between the States (War of Northern Aggression) from BakerCounty, Georgia in which John DOKE served and was killed. The obituaryof his youngest son, William B. DOKE almost a century later, in Floridasays that his father was killed in the "Civil" War and that his motherthen moved to Florida with the children. Many members of the family werealready in Florida. John DOKE was m. to Lury/Lurrie Simmons daughter ofJohn F. Simmons of Wilkinson County, Georgia. Any assistance is appreciated. 


Faye Yager ..Mar23,1999
I'm looking for cemetery info or court records for JohnJ. GRANT in Baker Co., GA. I believe he is my gg grandfather b. 1828 inUpson Co., GA to Daniel and Sarah (WALKER) GRANT. He lived in Columbusand Dawson, GA prior to Newton, GA. He d. Jan. 1899 in Baker Co., GA. 


Joe Pierce ..Mar23,1999
Searching for information on Mary "Polly" Baker b. ca1790, GA Belived to be Baker Co., GA. she m. John willis Tanner b. ca 1790,Ga. the were in Jackson Co., MS before 1812. John Willis was in the Warof 1812 the Battle of New Orleans.


Janet ..Feb11,1999
I am looking for any information on the family of BenjaminJohnson and Mary Stephens Johnson. I have an outline of a family historythat states he was a pioneer of Baker Co. Most of his children were alsoborn there. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thank you! 


Dwayne Faircloth ..Jan01,1999
I am searching for info on the name FAIRCLOTH. They wereto have lived in Baker Co., GA in the 1800's If any one has any info itwould be greatful Dwayne Faircloth


Jane Waller ..Jan01,1999
Before Calhoun County was created, possibly Council Wootenor one of his brothers resided in Baker County. I can find Council on the1870 census of Calhoun, but am unable to locate him prior to that eventhough I know he was in Southwest Georgia by 1840. If anyone has any informationof any of these families, I would be interested in hearing from them. 


Alpha Mell Stuart ..Nov29,1998
Searching for HALL family history in Baker County. Iam especially interested in Wilson Ichabod HALL born South Carolina 1845,married Mary Ann......, moved to Lee County GA by 1860. Wilson Ichabod'sson Wilson Ichabod Jr. was my husband's grandfather. He moved to Texasand died there 1926. However, it is the first Wilson's parents and lineageI need. I understand there is a Baker County history of the HALL family.Can someone tell me about this? 


George Colley ..Nov23,1998
My gg-grandfather George W Colley was born 8/22/1822in Baker County GA & died 3/9/1902 in Gonzales County TX. His wifeRachel (Nelson or Giffin??) was born 12/3/1821 in Stewart County GA &died 11/9/1888 in Gonzales County TX. They were married 11/20/1845 in StewartCounty GA by Rev. T.H. Murphy at Jonas Griffin's residence. They are listedin 1830 census. Any information most welcome. Thanks, George.


Darla Davis ..Nov20,1998
Looking for information Jim Irvin B.NC D. Baker County,Ga married to Annie Cribb daughter of William Cribb and Mollie Bridges.Jim's parents were John Irvin and ? Haire. John also died in Baker County,Ga. Jim's issues were: Mrtyle, Bill, Dorothy, Leola, Nancy, Ted, and Frances.Mrtyle is still living in Baker County today. Any information on this familywould be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.


Lisa Birth ..Nov16,1998
I'm searching for information on the family that includesLaura Elizabeth Culpepper (b. 1906), as well as Woodrow Wilson, Virginia,Eunice, Irene...The family once lived in Baker County. Laura Culpeppermarried Oley Thomas Denmark and resided most of her life in Tampa, Florida.Any help will be greatly appreciated!!! 


Jane Waller ..Nov16,1998
I am searching for info on Josiah WINCHESTER who is buriedin a small cemetery in Baker County. He was killed fighting for the Confederacyand brought back to Baker for burial. Thanks for any help. 


Crilmer Holmes ..Nov16,1998
I'm trying to find my grandad and grandmother. llyodlewis born around 1870...lived in newton ga. I think he passed in newtonga baker co. 1930. my grandmother born 1880...passed in 1953. she alsolived in baker co. with her husband in newton ga.they had seven 1905 they had four living three dead.I' m looking for their parents.t5hank you. Crilmer Holmes. 


Lackey Stephens ..Nov16,1998
I am seeking info on Levi Lodge who was in Baker Countyin 1838. He was born son of Francis Lodge in Burke County about 1800. Hewas brother to Simeon Lodge of Decatur County. Any help will be appreciated.Lackey Stephens 


Faye Dyess ..Nov15,1998
DYESS Isaac Jackson(Jack) DYESS is listed as born inNewton, Baker Co., GA on his death certificate. His birthdate is May 1845.He is the highest brick wall I have attempted to climb. Any informationon Isaac or his family will be greatly appreciated. Please consider variationson spelling of the name i.e. DYAS, DYES, DICE, DIAS AND ETC. 


Joe Davis ..Nov08,1998
I am looking for any information on a Elizabeth DAVISthat is listed in 1900 Baker County Census. She was listed as being 33years old. Her siblings were Magie DAVIS, Primus DAVIS, Doctor C. DAVIS,Charlie l. DAVIS and Sam C. DAVIS. She did have more siblings later on.The area that she lived around was Milford, I think. The land that wasacquired by her sons is still in the family "DAVIS LAND". The land being2 miles from where Henderson Burch was raised. Please e-mail or Snail mail- Joe Davis 126 Clenney Hill Road Colquitt, Ga 31737


Jerry Fowler ..Nov07,1998
Looking for more info on Mary Fowler and family of 1860census. Who was her hiusband and was John Washington Fowler in 1860 Doughertyand 1870 Worth census her son? Any info appreciarely greatly.


JD Hentz ..Nov07,1998
I am seeking information on Michael HENTZ and his children.Michael HENTZ and his son Alexander HENTZ were on the 1840 census for BakerCounty. Alexander moved to Miss in the mid 1840s. Michael died around Nov1840. I am specifically seeking the name of Michael's first wife and thenames of all of Michael's children. I know of Alexander, John, and Janeby the first wife and William by his second wife. 


Sharon Hofer ..Nov07,1998
In his pension application, filed in 1910, A. J. F. Huckabysaid he was born in Baker County, GA on April 1, 1845. AJF is also knownas Frank. His parents were James AJ HUCKABY and Nancy FOREHAND. Some saythey were married in Albany, Baker, GA c 1838. Thank you, Sharon Hofer


Mary Ruth Stewart Miller ..Sep26,1998
I am seeking information about my grandfather, RichardMilan ADAMS. He was born in Kinard, SC in l863. He moved to Baker Countywhen he was fourteen married Lelia Reynolds of Dougherty County in 1896.They lived in a community called Hardup. He is buried in the Hardup Cemetarybut we could not find a marker about 30 years ago. He died shortly afterl919 of pneumonia. My grandmother, Lelia R. Adams, my mother Johnnie A.Stewart, my aunts Lucille A. Swann and Ruth Adams are buried in the NewtonCemetart as is my father, Henr Epping Stewart. My mother and father weremarried in the First Baptist Chruch in Newton prior to l932. I would appreciateany information any of you can give me about Hardup, Ga. and about thefamily. I also remember hearing the names .....Charlie Adams and Cleo ?.Thankyou so much if you can help me......Mary Ruth Stewart Miller. Email:


Nancy Gay-Crawford ..Sep26,1998
Can anyone tell me anything at all about this RobertD. CARTER lissted in the 1850 Baker Co., GA census? Robert D. CARTER age40 Blacksmith Born in VA. Martha age 30 James age 11 Martha J.age 9 Patrickage 4 Thanks, Nancy 


Joe L. Cook ..Aug21,1998
I am looking for this family. Joel COOK b. May 1842 age58 in 1900 Baker Co., GA md. 42 yrs. to Martha J. LUCAS b. Feb 1845 age55. ( I am not sure of maiden Name). Joel's middle name might be abt 1858. The children listed was 1. Charley b. Apr 1874 2. Johnieb.Mar 1879 3. Vicey b.Mar 1889 4. Eager W. b. Jan 1894 I believe he hada son also named Joel Cook who md. Josie Idora Elizabeth KELLY 2 Apr 1902in Miller Co., Co., GA. If anyone can shed some light on these familiesI would be glad to share. Joe L. COOK


Towana Bonaparte ..Aug21,1998
I am trying to find any information concerning any ANDERSONSin the Baker/Early County areas. My grandfather's name is Robert AndersonSr. who married Lula Stubbs. Robert Anderson's Father went by the nameof "Big Daddy". (His real name was Dumus Ruben ANDERSON.) Robert has twosurving sisters, Irene and Lugene. He also has a brother named Lee. Mostof our family still resides in Baker County. My Uncle is now the currentSheriff there. Any information would be greatly appreciated. 


George D. Cook ..Aug21,1998
I'm Looking For Info On Cornelius Cook, Who May HaveLived In Baker Co. in The Early To Mid 1800's. I Would Appreciate Any InfoYou May Have. Thank You George D. Cook


Michele ..Aug21,1998
My gg-grandfather A.J. Johnson was born in baker co gain 1845 according to his civil war pension papers. I do not know the nameof his parents. I have looked on the census records at the library in shreveportla. and have not found him. If anyone has any information i would appreciateit...thanks Michele 

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Baker County Georgia County Coordinator: Debra Crosby The Registry
Georgia USGenWeb State Coordinator: Paula Perkins
Georgia USGenWeb Assistant State Coordinator: Rebecca Maloney

Copyright 2003 - 2025 Debra Crosby The Registry Baker County Georgia USGenweb Coordinator