Doke Letters
Transcribed and submitted 6/2/99
by Karen D. Colson at

          Florida New River Co May the 11 1860
         Dear brother this will in form you that i recive  your letr and it found us all well hoping this
          few lines may find you all well Dear sister our children gros fast susan wanto see you and
          your  children mity bad but she sais that she never expets see you all in less you all com to
          this country   Jacky you wanted to know wher  I was gointo i expeto stay her onless som of
          you comes to this country John Doke said that he wood com if eny of you will com to this
          country i will go with you low down the country and if non of you dont com i shal
          stay wher i am  Jacky wood be glad that  you wood com ___ down and look at this
          country see us all crops is good we have fine Ranes I expeto stay in this country som wher
          com and see us so nothing mor at this time only Remain your brother and sister on till deth
          Richard, A, Doke and Susan, Doke to
          John, and, Saryann, Johnson

        {John Johnson is Jacky and Saryann is Sarah Doke Johnson, John Doke & Richard
            Doke's sister, and the Johnsons are in Baker County, Georgia at the time of this letter.}
[ DOKE LETTER #2]   Georgia Baker County  the June || M 1860

         Dear Brother
those few lines will inform you that I recieved a leter from you yet few days
ago and it found us all as well  I was very glad to hear that you were well and had past
the point of starvation  I have been very nearly grave corn give out but I supose I neednot
give my self  oneasyness A Bout your starving since you have plums and Blackberys and oats
A plenty and Charley wants me to wright something in my leters.  I thought I had been
wrighting wonderfuley  I would like to know  what he wants me to wright about is it the
girls tell him that Miss Fancy Gore wants to         if he will let her come down and stay with him.
She says that she is very ancious to come Down ther Tell Charly I have him some pants
and socks but the Shoes I Dont know wher I Shall get them _____ _______ to by and the
Letter is not Fancd enough yet.

{This appears to be from John, who is Jacky Johnson and  his wife Sarah Doke Johnson,
who are still in Georgia to  Richard & Susan Simmons Doke as well as Charley  Doke,
Sarah & Richard's nephew, son of John & Lury  Simmons Doke, who are now in New River Co., FL}

     [ DOKE LETTER #3]               April 11, 1864
                    Baker County ga

     Love Brother and I avail my self of this oppurtunity of wright you afew lines
     we are all well except Mary.  She is mending I hope those few line may
     fund you all well I have nohing of much intrust to wright Jacky tell
     ________ that has gone back to camp he was mending alittle when he left
     home he said he would hav been glad to  went down to see you bu he was sick
     and not able to go Jacky tell Charley he must make good crop down ther this
     year for we have apoor prospect here you must wright to me Jacky Love you

     {Probably FROM Lury Simmons Doke, the  mother of Charley, "aunt" of Susan Simmons
     Doke and sister-in-law to the Johnsons TO John "Jacky" & Susan Doke Johnson and
     Charley Doke in Florida.  John Doke and Richard Doke have both been killed in THE
     WAR by this time.}

[ DOKE LETTER #4]               July the 22 186(4) or (7)

Dear brother and sister as i hant never adrees you be fore i haraly no what to say to you
i can say to you one thing i want to se you very much all of you and i thought last winter i
would of seen you all be fore now but i aont nare never expeck to se you eny more in life
but i hop i will mete you in heven i want you and yor husband to com to se me if you can
and if you cant com let the children com to se me if you can tel sarah and mary to rite to
me as i no nothing a bout the rest of the children but i wich them both well in time and in
eternity  So i hav rote that all i no so good by to you all so i must com to a close Nothing
More at Present only remain yor Dear Sister un tell Death parts us
Mrs Jane Spence Sarah Jonson (Sarah Doke Johnson) John Jonson (Jacky Johnson)

{The Johnsons were in Florida by this time.  This is probably written to Lury Simmons
 Doke and other family members  who are still in Georgia at this time.  Mrs. Jane Spence
is Jane Doke Spence sister of John, Richard & Sarah and wife of John Marion Spence, Jr.}

"I now have oodles of Doke/Doak information including at least 2 new generations that none of us had before.  My e-mail
address is  and I would be happy to be contacted by anybody researching this family.  The family is Scotch-Irish coming to America from Ulster (now Northern Ireland)"......Karen D. Colson



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