Ohio Biography Project Submission Form Information

This form is here to make it easy for you to submit your biographies to the Ohio Biography Project.
Once you have filled in the information and click on SUBMIT your file will be created and automatically
sent to the Project Manager for that county. Once the project manager receives the file they will
upload it and add a link on to the County project page and will notify you that it has
been posted. In most cases, this will be within a few days but in cases of large or numberous files
it could take a bit longer. If you do not see your file on the County Page within a reasonable amount
of time please contact the Project Manager for that county. The Managers are listed at the bottom
of this page.
You may submit your records directly to the Project Managers which are listed at the bottom of
this page.
At the bottom of each form you have the option to select up to 3 counties where your file
should be posted.  You must select one county, the other two are there in the event the record
you are submitting needs to be listed in more than one county.
There is also an option you can select which will allow you to have a copy of the file created
sent to your email account.
In ALL cases your name and email address are required. This will appear on the file showing
you as the contributor of the material.
An asterisk ( * ) next to a field means that it is required and the form will not create the file
until an entry is made into that field. If you try to submit a file and get an error that data
is missing. Hit the BACK button on your browser to return to your work and enter the
missing field.
We have tried to test these forms in all situations. Remember though
this is the internet and there are such possibilities as an internet service provider disconnecting
you at an inconvenient moment. Please take one moment before you hit submit and highlight
and copy the content of your record so that should a disconnect or error occur, you can go back
and paste the material without retyping.

Here is an example of the output from this form:
Biography Records

Thank you so much for sharing your biographies with others!!!!!
If you have any questions about this form please contact Debra Crosby at debra@genrecords.org

Ohio Biography Project Managers Are:

Deb Murray for Belmont and Noble Counties
Sandi Evilsizer Koscak for Champaign and Clark Counties
Lisa Isenbarg for Franklin, Highland, Pike and Ross Counties
Rebecca Williams for Huron County
Dale Grimm for Madison County
Mike Sandridge for Paulding County
Linda Gittinger Hickman for Seneca County
Mary Lou for Vinton County

All other counties send to : Tina Hursh, Ohio Biographies Project Manager

Problems or Comments about the form contact Debra Crosby
Created by David Crosby © Copyright 2002 - Present