Group of Unidentified Possible Pike Countians
Is your great granny, or grandpa, in one of these photos?
If so, click on the email address below to let us know.
These photos were
found in the old Robert Martin home in Okaloosa County, FL. in 2008.
old cards were with them: one lists Parker Barron, dated 1871 for good behavior, Troy High School
Another photo is dated 1872.
Robt Martin’s second wife was Doris Easley; perhaps theses were her photos?
If you recognize any of these people, please email names to
"Attention Julia Cadenhead" on the subject line. The museum would also be
happy to share with the descendants of these people.
Click each photo for a larger version of the photo.

Courtesy of:
Baker Block Museum
1306 Georgia Ave.
P.O. Box 186
Baker, FL 32531.
Corner of Hwy 189 & Rt. 4.
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