E-Mail Registry

#0008447	  AJ Aaron

Current Addresses
ajaaron0704[at]gmail.com Old Addresses

To supply your link , copy/paste the URL following, ie: http://www.genrecords.net/emailregistry/vols/00034.html#0008447 would be the link to page, your email registry id would be the registry number on the page for the person with that number.

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To register your email address, sign up at this address Register here

Once registered, if you need to change your email address, you'll need to login and amend here Login Here form.

If, for some reason the forms aren't working, to register your email address and begin using it, send me an email at: David Crosby or Debra Crosby.

I need your name and your email address. Please put NEW REGISTRY in the subject line.

Once registered, if you need to change your email address, and the forms aren't working, send me a new email, with CHANGE REGISTRY in the subject line. Give me old address, new address, your name and your Registry Code #.

NOTE: The Registry is here to support the various projects and their volunteers. We will never sell your name/addy to anyone... ever!

Thanks , David Crosby
